Senin, 24 Mei 2010


If nobody plans to go out, just try making Pempek palembang own. Not too difficult, let alone the traditional recipes can be adjusted to taste. Also cukonya spicy sweet can be made in accordance favorites. Do not forget to see the special note in this recipe yes!

1 cup (1 part) Milling mackerel
1 cup (one part) white water
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons cooking oil
Adequate starch
Cuko Sauce:
1 kg of fine brown sugar, cut into pieces
cayenne pepper to taste
200 g garlic
3 tablespoons white vinegar / tamarind / lime juice
salt to taste
2 liters of water

How to Make:
Mix the minced fish with salt and water until completely dissolved and quite salty.
Add enough flour until dough can diuleni (much less starch depending on the desired elasticity). If you liked that could be used more supple.
Palembang Pempek dough ready formed according to taste. To Pempek submarines, grab the dough taste, shape like a bowl, fill it with raw chicken eggs and then glue it in order not to leak.
Boil in boiling water on medium heat until floating. Remove and drain. Enter in cold water.
To Pempek lenjer, shape dough like a cylinder and simmer until the float and lift and masukkian in cold water.
To andaan, take the dough to taste, add some fried onions or sliced leeks Seta eggs, mix well.
Shape dough into balls and fry in hot oil over low heat until the float and mature.
Vinegar Sauce:
Cook brown sugar with enough water to dissolve.
Bawnag puree of white and cayenne and add to the stew of sugar and bring to a boil.
Enter the vinegar and salt. Boil gently for 1 hour until slightly thickened. Remove and strain.
Serve Pempek palembang with mashed shrimp.

Choose fish, fresh mackerel and take the meat and then puree until the white fibers of the meat is raised.
To this traditional recipe, measuring fine mackerel meat in the container or bowl. Then add as much water as the size of the fish meat (eg, if half the fish bowl, half bowl of water used as well).
Amount of starch used is adjusted to the level of resilience Pempek palembang desired. The more starch would be more chewy or hard.
Traditionally Pempek palembang presented without the yellow noodles.
Related Articles:
palembang Pempek original recipes, recipe Pempek palembang, prescription-empek empek original palembang, Pempek palembang recipes, recipe Pempek, HOW TO MAKE Pempek PALEMBANG, how to create original Pempek palembang, recipes Pempek palembang, empek-empek palembang recipes, original recipes Pempek palembang

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Special Sundanese Food

Natural state of West Java that much overgrown with various kinds of plants and many rivers flowed influence on the type of West Java, a typical menu. Number of banana trees that grow in soil Sunda Sunda inspire women to work making various kinds of pais (Pepes) using banana leaves. Pepes like fish, chicken Pepes, Pepes know, Pepes Oncom, rice and other lead.
So it is with many rivers and ponds in the Land of Sunda allow fish farming to thrive in the region of West Java, mainly carp and carp. So this has given way to the people skilled in the art of Sunda to cook fish.

Different ways to cook fish, such as baked, fried, dipepes, dibubuy (wrapped in banana leaves and then use incorporated into the hot ashes), dicobek, marinated, dibumbu salad, and others.
Sundanese people to like different kinds of plants as a dining companion (lalab). No fewer than 70 types of plants growing in the region of West Java can be used as lalab, either eaten raw or cooked first (Edi Ekadjati, 1991).

Lalab usually eaten with chili sauce, various types of sambal chilli paste them, sambel muncang (hazelnut), sambal Oncom, sambel fries, chili and other hejo. Lalab well as materials created several types of cuisine such as Karedok, pencog, reuceuh, ulukutek, lotek, saute and angeun (vegetable soup).

The types of dishes made from fish and those lalab today have been viewed as a typical Sundanese food that is not only loved by people of Sunda, but also by others from within the country and abroad.

The presence of typical Sundanese restaurant is marked with a unique menu that is presented is also marked by the presentation, equipment used, such boboko (basket), coet (ulekan), Leather (mat). Then the building with the architectural style typical of the Sunda, like the house on stilts, swimming, building material made of wood or bamboo.

Even the name reflects the identity of any eating house Sunda, such as overtime Kuring, Ponyo, Boboko, Rice Lead, lain.Beberapa Geksor and other typical food menu that almost met in the Sunda region of West Java, especially in areas of Parahyangan, including Sangu lead, tutug Oncom , Karedok, lotek, angeun haseum. While some areas that have a special food menus, among others:
1. Bandung: noodle stir, vegetables Kupat. soto bandung, bandung angeun baso know beureum nuts.,
2. Cianjur: geco.
3. Purwakarta: maranggi sate.
4. Bogor: laksa.
5. Cirebon: empal keg, knows gejrot.

In addition to basic food menu daily Sundanese (such as rice, Pepes, Karedok, sambel lalab vegetable and tamarind) is often consumed, as well as many typical regional foods such as confectionery or small foods / other typical light, like from the area:
1. Bandung: peuyeum sampeu & sticky rice, borondong, ladu, burayot, ali agrem, kolontong, opaque, ranginang, kiripik tempeh, kiripik Oncom, awug, know bandung.
2. Bogor: nutmeg syrup. kiririp taleus, pickles bogor, hejo layer.
3. Cirebon: kurupuk shrimp, campolai syrup, shrimp paste, fish sauce, chips.
4. Soil: know, hui baking.
5. Cianjur: Tauco, a variety of candied fruit.
6. Sukabumi: nutmeg syrup, Kueh Moci, bika Ambon.
7. Brass: peuyeum glutinous Bodas.
8. Majalengka: ketchup.
9. Purwakarta: Scallop, peuyeum gandul.
10. Subang: dodol malignant, malignant sale.
11. Garut: dodol various sticky rice, persimmon sale.
12. Tasikmalaya: dodol soursop, sale cau, opaque, ranginang.
13th. Ciamis: coconut oil, galendo, kiripik cau, cau sale.

various foods Indonesia

Indonesian cuisine reflects the diverse communities that occupy approximately 6000 islands that make up the Indonesian state. Maybe actually no one single form "the cuisine of Indonesia", but rather, the diversity of regional cuisines influenced locally by Indonesian culture and foreign influence.

Throughout its history, Indonesia has been involved in world trade due to location and its natural resources. Cooking techniques and ingredients native to Indonesia to develop and then influenced by the culinary arts of India, the Middle East, China and Europe eventually. Spanish and Portuguese traders brought a variety of foodstuffs from the Americas long before the Dutch managed to master the Indonesian. Maluku islands that most illustrious as the "Spice Islands", also donated the original plant of Indonesia to the culinary arts world. Culinary arts eastern Indonesian region similar to the Polynesian and Melanesian art of cooking.

Sumatran cuisine, as an example, often showing the influence of the Middle East and India, such as the use of curry in the dish of meat and vegetables, while the Javanese cuisine evolved from the original cooking techniques archipelago. China cuisine cultural elements can be observed in some Indonesian dishes. Dishes such as noodles, meatballs, and spring rolls has been absorbed in the art of Indonesian cooking.

Several types of dishes native to Indonesia also can now be found in some Asian countries. Popular Indonesian dishes such as satay, rendang and sambal is also popular in Malaysia and Singapore. Material from the soy-based foods like tofu and tempeh variations, is also very popular. Tempe regarded as the original discovery of Java, local adaptation from fermented soybeans. Other types of fermented soy foods are Oncom, similar to tempe but using different types of mushrooms, Oncom very popular in West Java.

Indonesian food is generally eaten with a spoon combination cutlery on the right hand and fork on his left hand, but nevertheless in many places (such as West Java and West Sumatra) are also commonly found to eat directly with bare hands. In a particular restaurant or common household use hands to eat, such as seafood restaurants, traditional restaurants and Padang Sundanese, or tent stalls Pecel Catfish and Chicken Fried typical of East Java. Places like this usually also provide a finger bowl, a bowl of tap water with lemon slices to give a fresh scent. This water bowl should not be drunk; only used for washing hands before eating and after using their bare hands. Using chopsticks to eat commonly found in restaurants serving cuisines of China which has been adapted into Indonesian dishes such as noodle or chicken noodles with dumplings, fried noodles, and fried Shahe fen (fried flat noodles, like char kway teow

let's enjoy delicious Indonesian food

Indonesian food is known for good. Indonesia's once fertile land, and farmers can plant a variety of fruits and vegetables. In each village, many chickens ran between the house-larian; coconut trees, banana and papaya grow everywhere. Indonesian people like to cook, but they also frequently eat outside the home, in the stalls or in restaurants. Food varied and delicious sold everywhere.

If you hurry, and want to eat quickly, try the street vendors in the city streets. Typically, the wheels shops are selling just one kind of food, like fried rice, satay, or meatballs. In crowded places there are many street vendors. For example, if you go downtown or to the market, there must be many vendors selling various foods. Moreover, the price is usually cheaper than food in restaurants (but may have to bargain first).

If you do not want to buy food from street vendors, can enter the shop. Shops such as small restaurants, which usually have three or four tables only. Same with street vendors, each shop used to sell only two or three dishes. If you have a little more money, and want to eat in a more luxurious place, could enter the restaurant. In the restaurant there are different kinds of food. There are restaurants that specialize in food from China, of Java, Sumatra and many other regions (including Western food, if you feel homesick).

Indonesian cooking is famous for its spiciness. Indonesian people like to eat lots of chili. (Cabe also called "chilli" in some areas.) There are many kinds of chili - some are small (such as cayenne pepper), a long, red and green. Chillies can be inserted into food during cooking, or added dihidangankan time or be eaten. In restaurants there is always a kind of Indonesian sambal (chili sauce) on the table, and often there is a bowl of chili. Indonesian people like spicy food, especially in Sumatra, Padang cuisine (from West Sumatra), including many dishes such as rendang, a spicy at all. The use of chili (and other spices) not only because it seems; spices make the food last longer, something important, because in very hot weather, the food can rot quickly.

Coconut is also an important ingredient in Indonesian cuisine. Coconut trees can grow in almost all the islands of Indonesia, and local residents have long used it in spicy dishes and also in the cookies. Meat and vegetables are often fried in coconut oil, or boiled in coconut milk. On the island of Java, peanuts are also often used to give a slightly sweet taste, as in the dish gado-gado. If you want to see the gado-gado recipes and other dishes from Indonesia.